Tuesday, 14 July 2020

Its Great To Be Back!

Our Beer Garden Is Ready For The Summer!

Come and join us this summer, we have plenty of outside space available and socially distanced seating available inside in our
newly refurbished pub & restaurant.
Our New Early bird dining offer is available Wednesday - Saturday 5pm-6.30pm 2 Adult main meals just £20 and Kids meals for just £5,
our full menu will also be running. 

We have also upgraded our booking system and you can now book through our website selecting whether you would like to book inside or outside or alternatively just give us a call on 01440821017.

We look forward to welcoming you back soon. 

View Our Menus

Jazz with Jade in the beer garden

Sunday 19th July 2pm
Due to Government Guidelines you must book.
No more than 6 to a table
Table service only
Food will be available 12.30pm - 5pm.
Book by calling us on 01440821017 or online www.greyhoundwickhambrook.co.uk please select outside when booking and in notes please put if you wish to eat.


New Outside Dining Area

We have created a new undercover dining area in our garden, perfect for those summer nights. Full table service provided, minimum of 4 guests per table and a maximum of 6. The dining area hold upto 12 people. Perfect for birthday parties, anniversaries and friends getting together. 
Book by calling us on 01440821017

Book Now
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TwentyOne @ The Greyhound
The Greyhound
Meeting Green Wickhambrook
Newmarket, Sfk CB8 8xs
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Thursday, 9 July 2020

Welcome Back

Hi All

As you may know we are reopening today and here is all the information you need.

Of course there are going to be changes to your usual experience with us, there has to be, but we look forward to welcoming you all back.

We are sure that you are getting the hang of social distancing by now so here are the changes?

Booking a table is advisable but not necessary.  However, if you arrive without pre-booking and we are full inside you will be asked if you would like to sit outside or wait outside until a table becomes available.

We will be collecting your details and storing them for 21 days as advised by the government for track and trace.

Please order drinks and food from your table as the bar is closed due to government guidelines.

Toilets will be operating on a one out one in basis.

Our furniture has been placed in accordance to government guidelines and is not to be moved.

As always families are more than welcome here at The Greyhound & TwentyOne but we do ask that children remain seated at the table please.

Can we ask that if you are showing any of the Covid 19 symptoms that you stay at home.  The symptoms are a high temperature a new or continuous cough, loss or change to your sense of smell or taste.

If you are planning to sit outside you may wish to consider bringing some appropriate warmer clothing or perhaps a throw on our colder evenings. 

There will of course be other small changes but having lived through this since March social distancing is pretty much the norm now and nothing will be of a surprise to anyone.

If you have any questions or concerns you can message us or if you wish to book a table you can do so by calling us on 01440821017 or book online at www.greyhoundwickhambrook.co.uk

We want your visit with us to be as normal and as sociable as possible at the moment, and we are sure that you will understand that none of this is to ruin your fun but is in place to protect you and our team.

Thank you for taking the time to read this and we look forward to seeing you soon.

Jack, Damien & The Team

View Our New Menu Here
Copyright © 2020 TwentyOne @ The Greyhound, All rights reserved.
You are receiving this email because you opted in either through our website, Facebook or by using our public internet.

Our mailing address is:
TwentyOne @ The Greyhound
The Greyhound
Meeting Green Wickhambrook
Newmarket, Sfk CB8 8xs
United Kingdom

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